In this wow pet guide, you will find out that pets are usuallyUltimate WoW Guide used by the hunter class. For this reason, wow pet guide says that the pets make the hunter class strong and attracts players. According to wow pet guide,

Some pets can take on many mobs while other pets are for dps for PVP or quick mob killing ability. Wow pet guide says that you must first know what kind of help you would want. By knowing

it, you will be able to choose the kind of pet that you want. According to wow pet guide, for quick dps, a cat or a wolf will be the best pet for you. Multiple pets can also be allowed in the wow pet guide.

Wow Pet Guide – Food and Attitude

Diet is important when you choose a pet. In wow pet guide, some prefer to have meat and fish and they are easy to find. Meat comes from drop offs of beast animals and fish drops from ocean creatures. Wow pet guide said that personality is another issue with pets. Some of the noise may irritate hunters. Another tip from the wow pet guide includes using ground pets if you want sneak attacks. For example, a cat can go into stealth mode to ambush a player. There are pets which are friendly to their hunter owners so it is easier to maintain them and will cost less gold.

Wow Pet Guide – Talent Trees

Since the release of the expansion pack, the talent of the pets have changed. They now have a talent tree of three choices namely cunning, ferocity, and tenacity.

Cunning, according to wow pet guide, is an all-around tree that includes both the offensive and defensive moves. It is great if you are levelling in solo or in small, five-man parties in dungeons. It is highly recommended that players use this tree for PVP arenas since there are many methods to be offensive or help other players through the defensive skills.

If you care less on armor and defense and want to concentrate more on pure dps from your pet, ferocity is the tree that you should choose. Ferocity gives pets a major advantage over low armor classes such as spell casters with their ability to provide a large amount of dps while you keep the target stunned. It is also a great option for hunters who enjoy raids and need to keep up their dps.

Wow Pet Guide

Tenacity is the opposite of Ferocity in that it provides a great way to turn a pet into a tank. It can also be a great way to take on many different mobs since a pet with a high armor can last through multiple attacks. The downside of this tree is that they normally have low dps. If leveling is your main purpose, this tree is best for you.

The talents of your pets are what will make them deadly and you must use them wisely. Once you reach higher levels you might decide to have more than one pet and each pet specialized in certain things. I personally have a cat and a bear as my main pets. I use the bear as a tank when I level or quest and I use my cat for dps whenever I want some PVP action.