When looking for a job, everyone is faced with the need to create a CV. It is a great opportunity to showcase yourself in a good light, to highlight the best and hide the unnecessary, to stand out from other applicants, to draw attention to yourself, to interest you to be called in for a job interview. And it becomes quite a tangible reality if you compose the right CV.

Why and to whom do you need a CV?

In French, the word ‘CV’ means ‘statement in brief’. It is a concise description of the applicant as a specialist in his field, highlighting his strengths, a list of achievements at work and a summary of his whole life story. On the basis of the resume, the employer makes his first opinion about the job seeker and it needs to be positive and stimulating for further contact.

A well-written CV is meant to draw attention to one’s candidacy and stand out from other applicants for a position. In practice, it is often office managers or secretaries who are in charge of personnel matters, and the first thing they start examining is a CV, and not a diploma or the pages of a work record book.

A lot of different templates for a proper CV can be found on the internet. But even if it’s very good, it’s just a template you need to perfect your resume. And that’s not as easy as it sounds.

How to write a good resume

There are a number of specific requirements and rules for writing a resume that you need to follow:

  • A CV should be grammatically correct, it should not contain mistakes and typos, misspellings and heavy piling of words. You should proofread your CV a few times before sending it in – or, better still, use a resume grammar check service;
  • brevity and conciseness: you do not need a mass of unnecessary words, do not go too deep into the details of personal life and biography, in this case, it will attract little interest;
  • When writing a CV, you should use a formal, business-like style of communication. Do not use in the text of the different artistic turns and phrases from the colloquial vocabulary, jargon, yard folklore;
  • The text of the summary should be easy to read and absolutely understandable, so when you write it, you should use a structure with blocks containing the necessary information and highlighted for a sharper focus;
  • A concise and clean style of writing will make your resume stand out from the mass of resumes filed by other applicants. The writing process uses a single font and type of line alignment;

In order to understand how to write a resume correctly, you need to understand what it should reflect and what its structure is.